Monday, August 25, 2008

Kite flying

A fortuitous encounter with a kite sale provided an exciting Monday afternoon for us. As Eric let the kite up, the conversation was almost poetic:

Jacob: "Ooh, hurry."
Amy: "Isn't this the perfect day?"
Michael: "Ooh."
Eric: "Do kites go this high? I never see them go this high."
Zachary: "I fly the kite over to the sky."
Amy: "This is just the perfect day."
Eric: "Do kites even go this high? I've never seen them go this high."
Jacob: "It was almost going to the ground."
Eric: "I'm not worried about the kite. I'm worried about power lines and windshields."
Jacob: "It was almost going to the ground. It's diving down!"
Michael: "Ooh."
Amy: "I wonder what the world record is."
Jacob: "Let's have it land now."
Eric: "Is this legal? There's probably some law about the height of a kite."
Michael: "Ooh."

I felt like the repetition, especially with Michael's punctuated "ooh" and the repeated phrases, made the conversation read like "A Game of Chess" from Eliot's The Wasteland, minus the heavy post-war despair. Maybe an idyllic version of Eliot's stream of consciousness style. The world record for the longest kite flight, according to a moderately credible looking website, is 180 hours. 


The Hathorns said...

That sounds like a lot of fun! I always seem to have the song "Lets Go Fly a Kite" in my head. Maybe it is a sign of a new hobby I should begin.

Kim said...

I can't believe you can recreate an entire conversation from memory. I can barely remember the beginning of most sentences by the end of 'em. That's probably why I have really unusual conversations with people. "We reviewed the Anderson file yesterday and I like ham." That kind of thing.

michelleisawesome said...

You can tell you major is English. Nice blog, love ya all.