Friday, September 26, 2008


Two days ago, Eric and I optimistically (read: naively) bought 500 square feet of sod, hoping that our purchase would pressure a prompt project deadline. Oh boy. I had never even handled a wheelbarrow before (they look so easy to maneuver on video!), and my sod-laying education consisted of a single (yet very encouraging) eHow clip. There's no better instructor than actually doing a home project, however, and now the grass is in and ready for some soccer! 

We took this picture halfway through the project. A true "before" picture would show all the dirt areas covered in foot-high weeds. 
Here I am with my work crew. Jacob's job was to dig up weeds, and Zachary watered the new sod.
Tonight, Eric and the boys enjoy the new turf!


Jill said...

Looks like a job well done! What a cute crew!

jjba said...

Way to go!! That must feel good to have learned how to do that and then done it!