Saturday, November 8, 2008

For fun!

My friend Jen "tagged" me with a request to list six lesser-known things about me. Here goes:

1. When I was at BYU, I played on an incredible flag football team for three seasons. You can probably guess by my stature that I was the obvious choice for center. It's true. 

2. I love to be up in the morning and get some things done in that peaceful, quiet time. When I was in junior high I would get up at 5 am and practice oboe for three hours before I had to leave for school. Now I mostly exercise, read, and do housework during that time. If I wake up past 6:30 am, I just am not prepared to face the day.

3. When I was a teenager, my family assembled blowguns in our living room to make some extra cash. I also stuffed envelopes at a grungy direct-mail center, taught piano lessons, and worked at the city pool to earn money for college. I enjoy work. 

4. I have nearly died from exposure twice, and I feel like sincere prayers helped deliver me both times. Once I was locked inside a room-size freezer at Baskin-Robbins (I was able to find a door-release after several frantic minutes). The other time I was with my Californian friend, who overturned her car into a snowbank up Spanish Fork Canyon (I actually lost consciousness that time due to the cold).

5. My childhood idol was Nancy Lieberman-Cline, a professional basketball player and youth advocate. I would go to her free day camps, and once I even played her one-on-one. She's one of those amazing people who, even with her fame and talent, reaches out to others.

6. I have wanted to be a mother my whole life. I was just looking at pictures of me and my siblings when we were younger, and in almost every picture, I am holding a baby or small child (that's me in the center holding James). I love playing with and teaching my little boys now, and I hope to always have small children as a part of my life. 

So now I want to hear about my sisters: Kim, Sandra, and Michelle. Tag.


Jen Howick said...

Wow, I NEVER would have guessed those things about you Amy. You're an AMAZING person. Thanks for sharing!

Jill said...

Hard work... have you ever rested a moment in your life? I always feel at least 10 steps behind you! I have so much to learn from you. It was so fun to see that picture with your sweet siblings! From age 5 to 26 I have always looked up to your steadfast example and especially enjoy seeing updates on your gorgeous family and your witty writing.

Emily said...

I didn't know you were a blogger?!?

liz said...

You have so much more restraint than I do -- I am terrible at games where you have to come up with things people don't know about you, because I tell everybody everything all the time ad nauseum. If I had almost died of exposure twice, trust me, you would know. You just keep on surprising (and impressing) me, Amy. I hope you guys don't go away forever, because I think I still have a lot to learn from you.