Saturday, January 9, 2010

Trying a little harder

This morning I made the kids barnyard waffles. I used to make them all the time, but I got out of the habit after we moved here because, well, I just got busy I guess. But I made them today and the thrilled kids chatted all breakfast long about them.
Sometimes all I can think about is this (momma-loving baby, wanting nothing more than to be held)
and this (newly mopped floor stamped with blackberries via snow boots, representing messiness in general).
But lately I've thought, "Amy, you can do better than that!" I'm trying to make my way out of survival mode and into something, well, something more fun. I'm realizing that a lot of my self-worth relies (for better or worse) on how happy my kids are. So I'm trying a little harder.

Exhibit A: biking!
I let Zachary ride his bike up the long path to get Jacob from school yesterday. We spent five minutes trying to fit that pom-pommed hat into his helmet but finally gave up and had him wear his hood under the helmet instead. He fell off once on any icy patch over the bridge, but there were some "big kids" walking home who cheered him on, and he got up smiling.
When Michael came out biking one day, he told me after a few minutes that "Velma is cold. Velma is FREEZING!" and so we all went inside and thawed ourselves with hot chocolate. (Michael would be warmer if he could keep his mittens on, but he won't because he loves his thumbs.)
Exhibit B: building! Last night I cut up a Costco diaper box into 4-inch(ish)-wide strips to make a modular street building set. The kids used other toys to create a town and we had a fun night building different set-ups.
Adam just chimed in over the baby monitor, so there's my reality check! It's a busy, joyful house here.


liz said...

You are so smart. I'm going to remember those cardboard streets -- fun, fun. It makes me so happy to see that cute sweater on your cute baby in your header picture! Miss you.

Erin said...

What a clever idea with the diaper box. I never cease to be impressed with your creative activities! Please keep posting, as I enjoy stealing your ideas! Thanks.

Ali said...

I think I'm just barely starting to get out of survival mode, but my 2nd kid is already one-year old. You're doing great!!!

Also, I went jogging this week for the first time in many months, and I missed you. :)

Timani said...

Amy, YOU rock! I'm always amazed at your clever mom ideas.

I feel your pain with the messy newly mopped floor. I actually looked at it and was sad.

You have a more productive "survival mode" than I do. I want to have more fun, really I do it just seems especially difficult right now.

Right about my bedroom closet hangs a sign... Try a little harder to be a little better. -President Gordon B Hinckley. I love that saying, it's so encouraging.