Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Found it!

For the last week, I have been searching the house for my kitchen rug, and this morning I found it in an obscure dresser drawer. Finding the rug has helped me realize one reason why it's difficult to keep things in order around here: everyone has a different idea about the proper place to put things! Observe:
parmesan cheese and forks sprinkled in the spaghetti sauce, 

an assortment of cars and trucks parked on the piano,
a few cupfuls of milk dumped in the flower vase,

a half-eaten lunch settled under the kitchen table, and, my favorite,

the basketball dunked in the toilet. 

And these things are why a woman's work, as they say, is never done.

P.S. For the sake of my pride, I have to mention that not all of these pictures were taken on the same day, or even on the same week for that matter. I have a strict standard that I don't let anything disgusting stick around for more than a couple hours.


Kim said...

Probably my favorite post ever. And the best part was the missing item: a rug. You would think that would be something difficult to lose, but not with the Brinton boys!

Erin said...

I'm so glad you posted that story today! Why may you ask? Because last night I was wondering to myself if I'd ever be done cleaning up after the day's events, thinking to myself the WHOLE time, a woman's work is never done. Enjoyed the pictures, sounds like your boys are adventuresome!

Ali said...

Amy, You're the best!

Erica said...

Amy-this kills me! I am laughing so hard! Aren't kids hilarious? What would life be like without them? Congrats on matching!!! That is so exciting and I couldn't be more excited for you! How long is his residency? Four years? Miss ya!

Jen Howick said...

This was a hillarious post... the milk in the vase got me a bit, mostly because I am not a huge milk drinker myself - too funny though! I'm glad it was not all in one day however!

Timani said...

This is a great post! The basketball in the toilet had me rolling.

We would get milk in the lego desk, sometimes a whole gallon. A cup of pee in a dresser drawer, new bar of soap put in the toilet and flushed (toilet had to be taken off to clear it out). A Mother's work is NEVER done and it certainly isn't ever boring.

Anonymous said...

So these pictures remind of my house daily. Just add a very tiny 15 month old in the toy box while the toys are on the floor and her brothers act like nothing is wrong.